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Houston Resources to Discover Your Abilities

By Complete Care Specialist August 31, 2018

Adaptive Music, Art, Sports, Wellness Opportunities, and Help Groups

            United Spinal Houston put on their 3rd of their 4 part series this week, Discover Your Abilities, and it was one for the books. There was a huge turnout and everyone was enjoying every second of it! Other than the amazing speakers and organizations, the coolest part of the event was an ongoing canvas for people to paint as the night went on. That truly brought joy to everyone there, the smiles and energy of everyone when they got a paint brush in their hand was contagious, spreading throughout the room! The speakers were incredible, in sharing their stories they brought hope and inspiration to everyone there. The organizations came out in full and surrounded the room, from Ms.Wheelchair Texas to Able Outdoors, there was something for everyone. The resources available to the Houston area are astonishing and in an effort to help spread awareness to everything available we have put together a list of everyone there along with a short description of what the organization does. Of course if you would like more information you can contact us, here and we will be happy to help you with what you need and connect you to the right people.

United Spinal Houston

Being the hosts of this event, they will be to connect you with anybody from the event and so many more. Outside of the organizations and speakers at the event, they have a vast network that can help. Their organization is dedicated to connecting and empowering the Houston community of individuals whose lives are impacted by disability. Their mission is to serve the community through comprehensive education and resource delivery, compassionate community outreach, purposeful community reintegration, and dedicated people-centered advocacy. They strive to motivate and inspire change to promote meaningful, quality of life after disability. This organization is truly a blessing to the community and we are so honored to be able to work closely with them.

Here is there website:

City of Houston Metropolitan Multiservice Center: West Gray

The West Gray Multiservice Center is part of the Houston Parks and Recreation Department and is the Adaptive Recreation center. They were created to provide a variety of recreational, sporting and quality of life programming for people with disabilities in the Houston area. Opportunities include structured classes, a fitness room, a full court gym, an indoor heated pool for people with disibilities, a beep baseball field, a tennis court, a quarter mile outdoor trail, an urban garden, and the Vale-Asche Foundation Playground without limits, which is an adaptive and accessible playground.

This center has a variety of clubs and organizations that bring together people from all backgrounds to enjoy their similar interests. Programs include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Friends of the Park Council at MMSC- a support and advocacy group for the adaptive recreation section and holds forums for program ideas and services.
  • Accessible Fitness Center- designed for adults with physical disabilities including visually impaired and blind, and is fully wheelchair accessible.
  • Adaptive Yoga- a modified yoga class that is based off the students abilities, that combines seated, standing and floor postures, and incorporates guided meditation and creative visualization.
  • Adaptive Aquatics Program- this 5 lane pool is full accessible and equipped with zero depth entry ramp, hand rails and 3 chair lifts. They have qua Zumba and water aerobics!
  • Adult and Youth Wheelchair Basketball- if you are interested in playing basketball either recreationally or competitively they have a team for you.
  • Adult Wheelchair Rugby- these guys clash metal to metal in this fast paced wheelchair sport
  • Power Soccer- one of the fastest growing adaptive sports
  • Beep Baseball- adaptive baseball for the blind, low-vision and legally blind
  • Air Rifles, Table Tennis, Boccia Ball, and Sqauremino- its not just fast paced sports, they offer fun games and activities too!
  • Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Program Support Group- Texas Children’s Hospital Staff comes in to support and teach adolescents and their families.

Their website has all of the times and contact information for all their events and programs. They also offer additional resources for the whole community, like after school programs. To find out more information visit their facebook page or website here:

Easter Seals of Greater Houston

Easter Seals Greater Houston provides a variety of needed services to individuals of all ages with all types of disabilities and their families in the five counties surrounding the Houston area. They have been offering help, hope and answers to the people of Houston through therapy, training, education and support services. Easter Seals creates life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play in our community. Some of their awesome programs include: Adult Program, Camps & Case Management, BridgingApps, The Caroline School, ECI Infant Program, Housing Initiative, High School / High Tech, Respite Services, Toy / Tech, the Assistive Technology Lab, Transition Services, and Veterans Services.

They discussed their new partnership with CVS and the American lung Association to help people quit smoking, especially those with disabilities who have some of the highest rates of smoking in the US. Join them at their 7 week class to help you quit smoking on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting September 11 through October 23rd. Visit: or email for more information. We also have access to coupons for freedom for smoking plus program and more, feel free to call in so we can help too, at 281-619-2050.

They also discussed their new programs called Bridging Apps which provides resources, education, and information on apps and mobile devices to help people with disabilities and caregivers enhance everyday life. Really the resources offered from this program can benefit anybody, from apps to help quit smoking to medical resources and even nutrition, the apps are endless. Visit: for all the details.

For all this information and more visit their main site:

Alzheimer’s Association: Houston & Southeast Texas Chapter

The Alzheimer’s Association Houston & Southeast Texas Chapter has been serving Greater Houston and the Southeast Texas area for over thirty years. We support diagnosed individuals, their families and caregivers, and the professionals who care for them. The Chapter offers support groups, educational programs, individualized planning provided by licensed professionals, and community resource lists. They have a highly trained staff dedicated to helping and supporting people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, their caregivers and offering emotional support. One of the best resources in the Houston area for Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

They have a Houston Walk coming up November 3rd, if you would like to support them we can help you get in contact or visit their site or call their number.

Their site:

Their helpline, available 24/7 is 800-272-3900

You Roll Inc.

This organization is dedicated to helping people with disabilities and work to provide individuals with physical disabilities the opportunity to live fulfilling lives and enhance their experience of living, socializing, working and becoming and integral part of society. They have a variety of programs to help and even have a dance team. They meet bi-weekly for their usual meetings and workshops but also have fun social events that they schedule, like karaoke parties and roll dance. Their groups include: a men’s group, You Roll Dude, a women’s group, You Roll Girl, a dance group, You Roll Dance, and will be creating a group for children very soon. Check out their facebook pages for more information.

Crossfit Redefined

Crossfit Redefines is open to working with adaptive athletes of all ability levels to become a healthier version of themselves. Many of the coaches there are trained and experienced in working with people of all populations: SCI, TBI, CP, vison impairment, etc. The sessions with a coach are usually going to be 1 on 1, unless notified otherwise, and run at $20 per session. If you would like more information, want to start sessions, or would like to check out the facility call or email ahead of time and as for Angel, who is the Co-Owner and head coach for adaptive athletes. Call at 281-907-8650 or email at

For all this information and more visit their site:

Camp For All

Camp for All is a barrier-free camp where campers of all abilities come to discover life. They work with various non-profits to enrich the lives of children and adults with challenging illnesses or special needs and their families by providing unique camping and retreat experiences throughout the year. They also opened a branch called Camp For All 2U where they take the camp for all experience into hospitals for children who cannot leave. Such a great experience and a safe way for you or your loved one to participate in a summer camp experience, only their camp runs from January to November.

For more information visit their site at:

STARskaters: Skate Therapy and Recreation

STARskaters was created to provide an on-ice skating experience for children and adults with physical or developmental disabilities. They hold events, classes, sessions, practices, and games at local rinks and are open to anyone above the age of 4 who would normally be unable to enjoy an on-ice skating experience due to their disability. Their skate therapy section is a comprehensive program to teach children and young adults with disabilities how to skate. This advancement program has different levels of accomplishment in skating skills that are rewarded with a badge from level 1-14 and major props. The instructors are specifically trained and come from a background of skating. Their recreation and competitive division offers sled hockey, figure skating, and more fun skating opportunities. They have even trained 2 players who have been placed on the US National Sled Hockey team! If you want to check them out in person, learn a little more, and maybe participate they meet every Saturday at 10am at the ice rink in Memorial City Mall.

For their main site visit:  

For their skate therapy division visit: or call 281-415-0423 for more information

Lazarus House

The Lazarus House, opened in 2002, has provided a complete, low cost program of wellness located in a refurbished historic Victorian home in Midtown. It offers a unique multidisciplinary program that focuses on the mind, body, and spirit for chronically ill clients suffering from cachexia. Cachexia is the devastating cycle of malnutrition and muscle wasting that accompanies numerous chronic illnesses like cancer, HIV/AIDS, lupus, muscular dystrophy, and situations like spinal cord that robs clients of their energy, sense of well being, ability to live independently, and ultimately quality of life. Set in a “one of a kind” safe haven, the wellness program teaches adults and adolescents alike life improving skills and empowers each individual to attain a higher quality of life through an integrated program of exercise, nutrition, mental and spiritual awareness. It is their primary goals to promote the health of the chronically ill and help them love stronger longer. The sessions usually cost $8.33, but they do have options for low-income and children where they get the first 3 months free.

For more information visit their site at:

Ms.Wheelchair Texas Foundation

The Ms. Wheelchair Texas Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to improving lives of people with disabilities through its mission of advocacy and education. These competitions are designed to select a successful and articulate spokes-woman for people with disibilities. It is a 3 day event in March each year in Texas. Contestants are judged based on their accomplishments since the onset of their disability, individual interviews, onstage questions and personal platform speech. To compete you must be 21-60 years of age, utilize a wheelchair for 100% of daily mobility, reside in the state of Texas for at least 6 month prior to the pageant, and be open to the responsibilities of being the titleholder including attending the annual Ms. Wheelchair America Pageant.

For more information on how to help, join or just general information check out their website at:

Houston Area Parkinson Society

The Houston Area Parkinson Society’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those affected by Parkinson's disease through services, education and advocacy. They are the only local resource that provides specialized support and tools for long term disease management for individuals with Parkinson’s and their families. Each week HAPS provides 34 free physical, occupational, speech, water, Tai Chi and other therapy groups. Free support groups are available for individuals with Parkinson’s and caregivers to share their experiences in a warm, friendly environment. In addition, HAPS offers free transportation services to and from HAPS therapy sites and physician visits. Respite, social services and educational programs are also available.

For more information visit their site at: or call 713-626-7114

Bering Connect

Our mission is to serve the spiritual needs of our community. We began in 1986, by offering support to those living with HIV and AIDS in the Houston area. It was then and is still open to anyone affected by this disease as well as their families and friends. In addition to the spiritual support and fellowship that we offer to those living with HIV and their loved ones, we also provide individual spiritual counseling, regularly scheduled grief support programs and workshops on topics of interest to the community including relationship studies and the issue of "gay shame." They also have support for Men’s Cancer and care4care which offers support to caregivers.

Check out more of what they do and the different programs that they have on their site at:

Able Outdoors

Their mission is to bring the entire accessible outside world into one place, to be an information source for everything outdoors:  hunting, fishing, travel and all types of outdoor recreation. We want to connect individuals with the resources that will help them explore their abilities despite any challenges that may exist and to promote the opportunities that are out there waiting to be experienced.  The objective is to be the first site and magazine created by, for and about the Able Sportsman and Woman!  “Sometimes just getting out there is the most rewarding part.”

Everything you could want in regards to the outdoor world they can offer and help you get back to doing what you love or trying something new and exciting!

To find out more visit their site at:

VSA Texas

VSA Texas is an expert resource on inclusive arts. They create and maintain an accessible and open community where everyone can participate. Their goal is to provide support and training to the public, enhance personal growth, and offer Texans access to the creative work of people with diverse abilities. They want to challenge perceptions of how people contribute by creating an arts inspired, inclusive community of individuals with diverse abilities. There purpose is to deliver excellent cultural, professional, educational and public awareness arts services to communities with diverse abilities. Arts experiences enhance the skills, confidence and quality of life for people with disabilities. We support this by offering programs that enable educational achievement and career success, events that feature the work of our artists, and specialized arts training for artists, educators and service providers. Recognizing that every person has a voice that deserves to be heard, VSA Texas partners with supporters, volunteers, community organizations, educators, and state and local governments across Texas to promote and facilitate people with and without disabilities working together to create inclusive and strong communities.

They challenge ourselves and our communities to build bridges and strength by making cultural programming and venues available to all.

Check them out at:


The mission of ARTreach is to support the connection and delivery of quality arts programs led by professional artists with support from assistants and volunteers.  Those we serve include children and families at risk, special needs groups and senior citizens. ARTreach connects community partners with artists to create the most positive impact on these vulnerable populations as well as the community at large.  ARTreach develops unique programs that teach expressive arts, and that also help individuals develop a sense of self worth. These art programs introduce, and provide an opportunity to practice life skills that can help address issues such as student apathy, social dysfunction, grief, drug abuse awareness and prevention, health and recovery.

Check them out on their site at:  


All of these organizations can be found on facebook and some of them may have more updated information on there than their site. If you want more information on any of them or don’t know where to go for a specific thing reach out to us and we will be happy to help. Contact us at 281-619-2050, email us at, or visit our website at

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