
Urology Supplies And You: The Need-To-Know For A Healthy Flow
As people age, urinary issues can be common and can even be associated with certain illnesses. The list of urological and incontinence supplies needed to appropriately address some urinary issues can be extensive, and at times, difficult to properly maintain. Still, that list is essential to healthy urinary function, so...

Caring For Your Catheter: 6 Steps For Preventing Infection
Urinary catheters aren't a new invention by any means; they've been used for more than 3,500 years to drain the bladder when it cannot empty itself. However, as our medical knowledge has grown, the awareness for healthy catheter care habits has grown, too. Catheter-Associated urinary tract infections (known as CAUTIs)...

Everything You Need to Know About Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
You may not want to know anything about catheter-associated urinary tract infections, but if you're experiencing any of the side effects described below, you need to know everything about these painful UTIs. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common type of healthcare-associated infections, accounting for more than 30% of...