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Cholesterol Overview: How to Maintain It

By Lauren Monteverde January 26, 2023

Did you know that more than half of all adults in the US have high cholesterol?

Cholesterol was a buzzword for many years. Many health foods advertised themselves as the solution to cholesterol, but without explaining what it was or why it was bad. Even now, most adults don't realize what it means to have good cholesterol levels.

If you fall into that camp, then it's never too late to learn for the sake of your health. Cholesterol management is not just a fad diet and plays an important role in heart health. Keep reading and learn how to maintain healthy cholesterol.

What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a necessary component for your body's normal function. It helps with digesting fatty foods and creating the hormones your body needs.

However, too much is bad for your body. It has a tendency to stick to arterial walls, effectively slowing blood flow to the heart. It's important to realize, though, that there are two types of cholesterol.

Some people talk about some cholesterol being "bad" and some being "good." LDL is the "bad" cholesterol, while HDL is seen as "good." Both are important in your body's function, but high levels of LDL can lead to issues.

When it comes to LDL vs. HDL, LDL is known for causing more of this arterial blockage. HDL, on the other hand, helps to clear the arteries and bring bad cholesterol to the liver for removal.

How to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels With Lifestyle Changes

To lower high cholesterol and keep it at a healthy level, the best solution is to make lifestyle changes. Medication is only needed in extreme cases. Let's cover just a few of the things you can do to lower cholesterol levels:

  • Reduce consumption of trans or saturated fats
  • Lose weight and maintain a healthy weight
  • Get regular physical activity as much as you can
  • Keep stress levels at a minimum
  • Quit smoking

Like most things, living a healthy lifestyle is the best way to reduce risk. Treating high cholesterol is in many ways like dealing with a heart condition. Treat your heart well now, and it will ensure you live a long and happy life.

Taking Medicine to Manage Cholesterol

You may have an extreme case of cholesterol that requires more than the above lifestyle changes and medication. However, you should only pursue this option if you have tried to lower it by other means. Only take cholesterol medication at the direction of a licensed physician.

There are drugs that can lower your cholesterol when these lifestyle changes don't make enough of an effect. They do tend to have side effects, which is why it's best to try the less invasive route first. The best thing to do when considering medications is to discuss with your healthcare provider. 

Improve Your Nutrition With Complete Care Medical

Cholesterol is a vital component of your body's everyday function. However, at high levels, it can cause problems and increase your risk for severe disease. You can maintain it at the right levels with lifestyle changes, or get help from your physician.

Complete Care Medical is your source for medical supplies and nutrition. Take a look at our nutritionals to improve your diet and reduce the risk of high cholesterol.

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